Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flex x-Axis problem

There is a default behaviour for Flex LineChart to set gridline for zero value above the x-Axis (when any of the datapoints are 0 or 1) so that the two of them are distictly visible. Depending upon your case, you might want to show zero values on-top-of x-Aixs rather then at a distance.

The problem arises due to Flex automatically adjusting minimum property of LinearAxis when it finds datapoints close to zero. You may fix this problem by setting minimum to 0 (zero). Alternatively you could try using the padding property to 0 (zero) as well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Liquid Layout in Flex

Keep in mind while implementing Liquid layout to your Flex application. Try creating a class with static methods that would return widths and heights for UI elements given their default measurements on a default resolution (base resolution).

Also, instead of using the resize event for changing liquid measurements, use ChangeWatcher as described on this link:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Changing DataGrid column width in Flex

One interesting find while working with Flex DataGrids is how they behave when you try change column widths at runtime using actionscript: They simple don't show any effect unless you turn horizontalScrollPolicy "off".

More on this at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Flex bug related to Compiled CSS

Recently while playing with .css files in Flex 3, I eventually used the option Compile CSS to SWF and it started giving errors on ClassReference everywhere inside the CSS. Then I found out its a Flex bug ( and can be fixed simply by placing the .css files to the application root (though that may mean rearranging things here and there)

Additional information on the bug may be found at:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ObjectHandles in Flex 3 - Problem in switching to version 2 - OH v2

I've started with Adobe Flex 3 from a couple of weeks now and recently happened to use ObjectHandles library in one of the projects. The library is pretty good except that the usage methodology changes from version 1 to version 2.

e.g. one major difference is that I would use MXML tag notation to create object handles in version, but I couldn't do that in version 2. In v2, I had to create ObjectHandles object in actionscript at creationComplete event and then Register my component(s) with it. This made a real fuss the first time I switched my app from to use version 2, but later on (after checking out the supplied examples) I managed to deploy v2 without much of the problem.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

catch block with no arguments?

I was at first surprised to see a catch block that does not accept any Exception types as argument. Something that looks like this:

//some lines of code...
//fixation code...

What it actually does is catch all CLS (Common Language Specification) based and Non-CLS-based (exception raised by COM components) exceptions. Or for simplicity's sake we could think of as equivalent to the following (in .NET 2.0 or above):

//some lines of code...
catch(Exception ex)
//fixaion code...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Destructors in C#.NET

I find this topic really undiscussed among pure .NET developers (I don't know why they don't bother) Even I got to look at it when someone asked me how do we actually call destructors over an object in C#.NET.

A quick googling and here's a nice article on Destructors in C#.NET.

Though needs a bit of work on English, its plainly written for someone like me.