Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flex x-Axis problem

There is a default behaviour for Flex LineChart to set gridline for zero value above the x-Axis (when any of the datapoints are 0 or 1) so that the two of them are distictly visible. Depending upon your case, you might want to show zero values on-top-of x-Aixs rather then at a distance.

The problem arises due to Flex automatically adjusting minimum property of LinearAxis when it finds datapoints close to zero. You may fix this problem by setting minimum to 0 (zero). Alternatively you could try using the padding property to 0 (zero) as well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Liquid Layout in Flex

Keep in mind while implementing Liquid layout to your Flex application. Try creating a class with static methods that would return widths and heights for UI elements given their default measurements on a default resolution (base resolution).

Also, instead of using the resize event for changing liquid measurements, use ChangeWatcher as described on this link: